May Giving Back Highlight - Feeding America Tampa Bay
Because No One Should Go Hungry
Last month we announced the names of the three charities Island Thyme Soap Company chose to feature in our Giving Back Program as we continue to move through coronavirus crisis.
During this time of uncertainty and spiking unemployment, many in the Tampa Bay area are struggling with essentials, like groceries. Today we're highlighting the featured charity that's making the biggest impact on our immediate neightbors.
Feeding America Tampa Bay
According to the organization's website in the past month, Feeding America Tampa Bay has:
- Activated child meal sites in 4 counties that are providing 2600 meals to children each day.
- Delivered more than 50,606 meals to senior sites whose residents are confined to their homes and have no way to get groceries or meals.
- Transitioned all of our mobile pantry distributions to drive-thru model distributions and our on-site Publix Community Market to a to-go groceries model where families are given pre-packed groceries with minimal social interaction.
- Increased mobile food distributions to an average of 30 per week to help fill the gap across the counties we serve.
- Shifted our model at both Trinity Cafe locations to to-go meals as opposed to sit-down, congregate meals. During this time, serving with safety is the way we maintain a dignified experience for our guests.
- Routed 100 meals daily to the Hillsborough Hope temporary shelter initiative.
- Partnered with local food trucks to distribute up to 700 meals per day into communities in need.
- Ramped up production in our Trinity Cafe kitchen, and partnered with various restaurants and kitchens to create 8,500 to-go meals each day to be sent out through the aforementioned programs.
- Started two weekly MEGA drive-thru distributions serving more than 5,000 families every Saturday
If You Are Struggling:
Feeding America Tamp Bay’ has mega food pantry sites in both Hillsborough and Pinellas counties as well as Mobile Food Panty Events. If you are in need of food, check out the list of events and locations where you can pick up pre-packaged groceries, free of charge.
Feeding America Tampa Bay Food Pantry Locations
Feeding America Tampa Bay Mobile Food Panty Events
They also have resources for immuno-compromised, seniors, or disabled because they should not have to worry about food either.
Feeding America Tampa Bay Homebound Help
Feeding Tampa Bay and other organizations just like we've chosen to feature in our Giving Back Program; Direct Relief and World Central Kitchen, rely on the help and support from the community and businesses large and small to continue their missions.
Island Thyme Soap Company is proud to be part of it.
In addition to the 10% direct donation from all sales on Island Thyme Soap Company to these featured organizations working to help those most affected by the new coronavirus, because we feel so blessed to be able to continue when we do when so many cannot, we've made an additional donation to Feeding America Tampa Bay.
As the tagline on their website says: