Remember Two Things. Musings On Mothers and Footprints
Love Your Mother And Leave Only Your Footprints
Remember Two Things is a 1993 album by the Dave Matthews Band. The general consensus among Dave Matthews Band fans is that the two things referred to in the title are "love your mother" and "leave only footprints."
We're big fans. Not only of the band, but of the sentiment behind those words.
This weekend as we celebrate Mothers Day, we are reminded that cards and flowers and pampering gestures like breakfast in bed may bring a smile to her face, but there is no greater gift for a mom than to observe how her child is making the world a better place.
The bond in the Mother & Child relationship is magical and for all the work it takes, there is profound reward in watching children grow and start chasing their dreams.The footprints they leave are a unique contribution to the world, shaped in part by a mom.
I love you, Mom. You taught me well.
And to all the moms out there, the team at Island Thyme Soap Company wishes you a very happy Mother’s Day!